> five short prayers songs by brian brock summer 2020 winter trickling -- slush bus -- nightfall, mountainside -- tree-flickering -- in the quiet time after awkward conversation no lyrics winter trickling, dry creekbed, crackle ice under boot feet, crunching afternoon oak leafs held holy, brown and brittle, fallen frozen like two butterflies puddling -- slush bus, tread names corner tracks diverge, step foot follow the snowmelt climb through the broken grate sit on a step in the shadows watching the rills all the traffic drones late again today -- nightfall, mountainside hiker headlamp circle flits, rock-hides, peers a moment into dark we marvelled at the moonrise overhill -- tree-flickering sunshine driving north bicycle flashing red crashing fathers forth situation control, hide what's underneath me words matter, not believing no sir, no sir, not very much sir I respect your profession, yes sir, yes how can I help you do your job best? -- in the quiet time after awkward conversation you were so beautiful in your movements from tension to calm in the quiet time after awkward conversation |